Thursday, May 28, 2015

[Instagram Update] Ji Chang Wook Instagram Update on 12 April 2015

Miss Healer???? Hehehehe

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3:42am KST

*glad to see his sense of humour hasn’t disappeared given the events of the past few days

[Instagram Update] Ji Chang Wook Instagram Update on 26 March 2015 in Bali

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석양이지는.. 발리에서… #marieclaire
The setting Bali… #marieclaire

[Instagram Update] Ji Chang Wook Instagram Update on 13 March 2015

I've just skipped in another updated because too many updated hehehee...

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힐러갤러리에서 감사패와 선물이.. 오늘은 힐러 DVD&블루레이 코멘터리 촬영했어요 오랫만에 지난시간을 다시 생각해볼수있는 값진시간이였던.. 우리는 당신을 기억합니다 라는 멘트가 너무나도 눈물나게 감사한 밤입니다.. 감사합니다.  저도 기억할게요 그대들이 있었다는것을..! #힐러 #기억 #알약 #따뜻한 #눈물 #안녕

The plaque of appreciation and present from Healer DC Gallery..I did filming for the Healer DVD and Blueray commentary today. It was a precious time after a long while that allowed me to think again about the time that has passed..The words “We remember you” made me so tearful and I’m very thankful tonight..Thank you. I will remember too, that you all were here..! #Healer #memory #pill #warm #tears #bye
잘자요 :)
Sleep well :)

[Instagram Update] Ji Chang Wook Update on 7 February 2015

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12:39am KST
나안아파요 괜찮아요!!! #진짜 #진심 #이건트루 #왜냐면 #난힐러

I’m not hurt, I’m okay!!! #really #truely #this is true #because #I’m Healer

*Ji Chang Wook had to make a quick visit to hospital Friday evening due to back pain after performing some stunts.  But he’s all better now!

[Instagram Update] Ji Chang Wook Instagram Update on 2 February 2015 "I'll Protect You"

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11:09pm KST
힐러 재밌게 봤나요?? 오늘은 제가부른 힐러 OST도 나왔어요!
지켜줄게!! 지켜줄게요~~ㅋㅋㅋ
#힐러 #지켜줄게
Did you enjoy watching Healer today??  The Healer OST that I sang also appeared today!
I’ll protect you!! I will protect you~~ㅋㅋㅋ
#healer #I’ll protect you
*the lyrics he notes in red (너의 아픈 상처도 내가 다 안아줄게) = I’ll embrace even your painful wounds  *sigh*

[Instagram Update] Ji Chang Wook Instagram Update on 1 February 2015

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Omaigodddd same as Minyoungie update on IG
1:07pm KST

[Instagram/Weibo Update] Ji Chang Wook Update on 30 January 2015

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9:12pm kst
자…얼마 안남았다.. 달리자!!!!!
#힐러 #마지막2주 #서정후
Alright…not much left..let’s run!!!!!
#Healer #last 2 weeks #SeoJungHu

힐러 얼마 안남았다… 달리자!!!!! 예에
Not much left for Healer…let’s run!!!!! Yaaay

[Instagram/Weibo Update] Ji Chang Wook Update on 28 January 2015

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힐러 OST 기대기대!!!
#힐러 #서정후테마 #OST
Healer OST anticipate anticipate!!!
#Healer #Seo Jung Hu’s theme #OST
#Please look forward to it
힐러 ost 불렀어요 많이기대해주세용 곧 나와요!!!!! 오예!!
I sang the Healer OST. Please anticipate it a lot. It will be out soon!!!!! Oh yeah!!

[Instagram Update] Ji Chang Wook Instagram Update on 26 January 2015

source: JCW Instagram
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11:37pm KST
다들 힐러 재미지게 봤는가모르겠넹..!! 이건 비밀인데… 내일은 더더더더 재밌음… #비밀 #트루트루
Don’t know if you all enjoyed watching Healer..!! This is a secret… Tomorrow will be more more more more interesting… #secret #true true

[Instagram Update] Ji Chang Wook Instagram Update on 25 January 2015

source: JCW Instagram
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10:28pm kst

10:28pm kst

10:28pm kst
#이름하여 #댄싱머신 #흥남
#My name #dancing machine #heung-nam (excited man)
*Ji Chang Wook has been calling himself a “power dancing machine” for quite some time

[Instagram Update] Ji Chang Wook Instagram Update on 24 January 2015

source: JCW Instagram
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2:58pm KST
제목:변신!!! #발음주의
Subject: Transform!!! #be careful with pronunciation

*He’s advising to be careful on how to say 변신 (byun-shin), because it could turn into a swear word with the wrong pronunciation.

[Instagram Update] Ji Chang Wook Instagram Update on 23 January 2015

source: JCW Instagram
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11:57pm KST
청주에서 굿나잇!! 내일도 청주에서.. 빠이팅!!! 모두 잘자요!! #힐러 #얼마안남았다 #굿밤
Goodnight from Cheongju!! Also in Cheongju tomorrow.. fighting!!! Everyone sleep well!! #Healer #not much left #goodnight

[Instagram Update] Ji Chang Wook Instagram Update on 20 January 2014

source: JCW Instagram
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12:44am KST
힐러재밌게보졌죵?? 내일도 재밌습니당ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
아!! 웨이보계정도 만들었어요!! 많이봐주세영ㅋㅋ
사진은 대만팬미팅때썼던 사진ㅋ
그림은 내맘대로…ㅋㅋㅋ
#자화자찬 #그림손으로그림
#힐러 #정후
You had fun watching Healer, right??
Tomorrow will also be interesting ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Ah!! I also made a Weibo account!!  Please take a look ㅋㅋ
Photo is from the fan meeting in Taiwanㅋ
Drawing is as how I like it …ㅋㅋㅋ
#self-praise #hand-drawing
#Healer #Jung Hu
*자화자찬 (ja hwa ja chan) literally means to draw something and praise one’s drawing, which can be interpreted as “self-praise”

Source: JCW Instagram
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9:56pm KST
아!!! 빨리빨리!!!!!!
힐러!!!! 본방사수!!!!!!!!!!
#힐러 #11회 #본방사수 #난아직도촬영
Ah!!! Quick quick!!!!!!
Healer!!!! Watch the live broadcast!!!!!!!!!!
#Healer #Episode11 #Watch the live broadcast #I’m still filming

[Instagram Update] Ji Chang Wook Instagram Update on 10 January 2015

Source: JCW Instagram
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12:09AM KST
정후와 너무 예쁜 아가정후 그리고 조명팀 성근이형과 오디오팀 수아 그리고 특별출연 헤어담당 현아!!!
Jung Hu and the very lovely kid Jung Hu and lighting team Sung Geun-ie hyung and audio team Soo Ah and special appearance by hairstylist Hyun Ah!!!
12:10AM KST
그리고 나에게 오빤 어떻게 날아다니는 거냐며 눈반짝이며 물었던 아가영신이
오빠가 미안해 대답못해줘서..후우..
생각좀 해봐야할듯…ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
#동심 #힐러 #산타할아버지는있다
And the kid Young Shin who asked me with sparkly eyes how Oppa could fly around like that
Oppa is sorry that he couldn’t give an answer..sobs..
I need to think through a bit…ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
#childlike innocence #Healer #Santa Claus exists
12:53AM KST
차에서 그만자고 싶…아하하하…
#침대 #차시트말고
What I need right now…bed..!!!!!
I want to stop sleeping in the car…ah hahaha…
#Bed #Not the car seat

[Instagram Update] Ji Chang Wook Instagram Update on 2 January 2015

Source: JCW Instagram
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5:30PM KST
제가 힐러 거든요? 복받으시라고~~
돼지꿈 꾸세요!!
잠깐 근데 스탈리스트동생 현장에서 왜일안하고 이거만들고있었던건데….?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Aren’t I the Healer? You will be blessed~~
May you have a lucky dream of pigs!!
Wait, but why isn’t our stylist working on the set, but making this instead….?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
#pig dream
#Ji-oink oink
#Not Ji Heon-ie but Ji Honey
*The korean word for “oink oink (pig sound)” also means “honey”.
Koreans also believe that dreaming of pigs is lucky.

[Instagram Update] Ji Chang Wook Instagram Update on 24 December 2014

Source: JCW Instagram
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2:33pm KST
눈세지랑 같이 메리크리스마스
Together with snow-sage Merry Christmas

2:32pm KST
반가워 난 봉숙이친구 눈세지야
#크리스마스이브 #힐러 #촬영장
#대기시간 #눈사람 #소세지

Nice to meet you, I’m Bong-soo’s friend Snow-sage
#Christmas Eve #Healer #film set
#waiting time #snowman #sausage
*He combined the words “snow” and “sausage”, hence Snow-sage. 


9.29pm kst
눈세지랑 이렇게 놀았다고한다…
#너밖에없어 #눈세지

This is how you play with Snow-sage…
#Nobody but you #Snowsage

[Instagram Update] Ji Chang Wook Instagram Update on 23 December 2014

Source: JCW Instagram
Repost from

12:15AM KST
바람이 차네요..
밤바람은 더찹니다…
모두들 밤에 나가지마시고 힐러보세요..
#힐러 #월화드라마 #바람

The wind is chilly..
The night wind is even more chilly…
Everyone please do not go out at night but watch Healer
Please take care not to catch a cold…
#Healer #MonTuesDrama #Wind #Seems like a plea but also does not seem like one #Tomorrow will be more interesting