Source: JCW Instagram
Repost from
12:09AM KST
정후와 너무 예쁜 아가정후 그리고 조명팀 성근이형과 오디오팀 수아 그리고 특별출연 헤어담당 현아!!!
Jung Hu and the very lovely kid Jung Hu and lighting team Sung
Geun-ie hyung and audio team Soo Ah and special appearance by
hairstylist Hyun Ah!!!
12:10AM KST
그리고 나에게 오빤 어떻게 날아다니는 거냐며 눈반짝이며 물었던 아가영신이
오빠가 미안해 대답못해줘서..후우..
생각좀 해봐야할듯…ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
#동심 #힐러 #산타할아버지는있다
And the kid Young Shin who asked me with sparkly eyes how Oppa could fly around like that
Oppa is sorry that he couldn’t give an answer..sobs..
I need to think through a bit…ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
#childlike innocence #Healer #Santa Claus exists
12:53AM KST
차에서 그만자고 싶…아하하하…
#침대 #차시트말고
What I need right now…bed..!!!!!
I want to stop sleeping in the car…ah hahaha…
#Bed #Not the car seat