Wednesday, May 27, 2015

[Instagram Update] Ji Chang Wook Instagram Update on 20 December 2014

Source: Ji Chang Wook Instagram
repost from

겨울에 강가… 나 찾아봐..
#힐러 #추위안타 #사실 #추워
By the river in winter…try finding me..
#Healer #I’m not sensitive to the cold #In reality #cold #Healer is also human

[Instagram Update] Ji Chang Wook Instagram Update on 17 December 2014

source: jichangwook instagram
repost from

11:40pm KST
오늘은 진짜 너무너무 춥다..
춥다 라는 단어론 다표현할수없어
#더쎈게필요해 #춥다 #너무 #ㅊ춥다
#힐러 #서정후 #겨울남자
Today is really very very cold..
The word “cold” cannot fully express this
#a stronger (word) is needed #cold #too #c cold
#healer #seojunghu #winter guy

[Instagram Update] Ji Chang Wook Instagram Update on 13 December 2014

source: jichangwook instagram
rpost from

1:08am KST
아 추워요….
#겨울 #박봉수 #서정후 #발시려
Ah I’m cold….
#winter #parkbongsu #seojunghu #cold feet

[Instagram Update] Ji Chang Wook Update Instagram on 12 December 2014 Michael Learns To Rock - Eternal Love

Source: Ji Chang Wook Instagram
repost from

OMG!!! I think that he really love this OST from Healer, Michael Learns To Rock - Eternal Love!!
See that like he's listened on his playlist..aaaaa
Ji Chang Wook still remember Healer

드라마 힐러 OST “Eternal Love”
너무 좋다아….!!!
#영원한 #사랑 #힐링 #MichaelLearnsToRock
Healer drama OST “Eternal Love”
Oh so nice….!!!
#eternal #love #healing #MichaelLearnsToRock

[Instagram Update] Ji Chang Wook Instagram Update on 11 December 2014

source: Ji Chang Wook Instagram
repost from

정후 집!!!
#청주 #집이추워 #근데좋당 #힐러
Jung Hu’s house!!!
#Cheongju #The house is cold #but it’s good #Healer
*This was likely taken when reporters visited the Healer film set at the old tobacco factory (Jung Hu’s house) in Cheongju this afternoon.
10.05pm kst
비하인드 스토리..ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Behind story.. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
*”Behind story” is the way Koreans say “behind the scenes”

[Instagram Update] Ji Chang Wook Instagram Update on 9 December 2014

 곧 힐러 방송해요~~! 힐러힐러!!
#힐러 #2회 #본방사수 #영신정후

Healer will be broadcast soon~! Healer Healer!!

Source: Ji Chang Wook Instagram
Translate by myself

[Instagram Update] Ji Chang Wook Instagram Update on 6 December 2014

 추워요 길바닥에 보일러좀 놔주세요
#겨울 #바닥 #춥다 #일어나

Please put me on the warm street

Source: Official JCW Instagram
trans by myself

[Instagram Update] Ji Chang Wook Update Instagram on 4 December 2014

Source: Ji Chang Wook Instagram
repost from


5:44pm KST
감사합니다…! 좋은곳에 기부할게요!! 힐러 많이 기대해주세요!!!
#따뜻해 #사랑 #힐러 #좋은일
Thank you….! I’ll donate to a good place!! Please look forward to Healer!!!
#warm #love #Healer #a good thing

[Instagram Update] Ji Chang Wook Instagram Update on 2 December 2014

Source: Ji Chang Wook Instagram
repost from

세트에서 야외로….
#추움 #달 #달도추움
At the set outdoors….
#Cold #Moon #the moon is also cold

[Instagram Update] Ji Chang Wook Update Instagram on 1 December 2014

Source: Ji Chang Wook Instagram
Repost from:

3:50pm kst
힐러 첫방 D-7 두둥!!!!!
#놀고있네 #이러고 #있다 #두근두근
Healer first broadcast D-7 doo doong!!!!!
#Playing #This #way #dugeun dugeun
*He means there’s 7 days left till the premiere.
The picture caption “doo doong” is similar to how you would say “Ta-da!” when someone makes an appearance.
Dugeun dugeun is the sound of the heartbeat.


5:07pm KST

[Instagram Update] Ji Chang Wook Instagram Update on 25 November 2014

 우리드라마가 조금씩 조금씩 윤곽을 드러내고있네용~!ㅋㅋ 그와중에 으아 속쓰려ㅠㅠㅠ
#힐러 #월화드라마 #그와중에 #위염


This is us!! This drama reveals little by an outline preview

ps: forgive me if translation has not spesific

Source: Ji Chang Wook Instagram
Translate by myself

[Instagram Update] Ji Chang Wook Instagram Update on 20 November 2014

Source: Official Ji Chang Wook Instagram
Repost from


집에 가구싶어염…
#촬영하다 #향수병 #걸려본적있니
#누가보면 #몇달못들어간줄

I want to go home…
#Filming #Homesick #Have you been homesick before? #Anyone who sees this #will think I haven’t gone home for months
Please credit us when you use our translations.

[Instagram Update] Ji Chang Wook Update Instagram on 18 November 2014

진짜 얼마안남있다!! #힐러 #둑흔둑흔 #떨림 #진짜 #진짜!!


What a real!! #Healer #Excited #Reallyreal

Source: Official JCW Instagram
Translate by myself

[Instagram Update] Ji Chang Wook Update Instagram on 31 October 2014

Source: Ji Chang Wook Instagram
Repost from


12:16am KST
얼마전 노스케이프 사인회때 많은 팬분들께 사인을 해드렸어요 많은분들에게 취업 힘내라고 해주세요 라는 부탁을 받았던 기억이 문득 납니다. 취업때문에 걱정이신분들, 혹은 수능이나 다른 시험을 앞두고 계신분들, 그리고우리모두 힘내보아요!!! 그냥 갑자기 이밤에 문득… #힘내#사랑#행복#걱정은날려버려#주저리주저리

I gave autographs to many fans during the Northcape fan sign held not too long ago. I suddenly recall receiving requests from many people to cheer them on finding a job. Those who are worrying about finding a job, or for those who are going to sit for college entrance exams or other kinds of exams, and to everyone of us, do your best!!! Just a sudden thought tonight…#DoYourBest #Love #Happy #WorriesGoAway #MessyMessy

[Instagram Update] Ji Chang Wook Instagram Update on 22 October 2014

Source: Official Ji Chang Wook Instagram
Repost from

10:21PM KST
힐러 촬영중..!!!!
Shooting Healer..!!!! 

[Instagram Update] Ji Chang Wook Update Instagram on 18 October 2014

Source: Ji Chang Wook Official Instagram


7:16pm KST

잘입겠습니다!!!!(in 그날들 분장실)
#뉴에라 #이쁨 #룰루랄라 #그날들
I’ll wear it well!!!! (in “The Days” dressing room)
#NewEra #Nice #Lululala #TheDays
*New Era is the brand of the cap he’s wearing

[Instagram Update] Ji Chang Wook Update Instagram on 13 October 2014

Source: Official Ji Chang Wook
Repost from

2:30 PM KST

아침운동!!!! 끝나구 그날들연습~!

Morning exercise!!!!  The Days practice after that~!

[Instagram Update] Ji Chang Wook Instagram Update on 7 October 2014

Source: Official Ji Chang Wook Instagram
Repost from


9:45 AM KST

뮤지컬 그날들 프레스콜! 10월21일 첫골연!! 많이 보러오세요^^
#뮤지컬 #그날들 #강무영 #김광석

Musical press call for “The Days”!
October 21 premiere!!  Come see us^^
#Musical #The days #Kang Mu Young #Kim Kwang Seok

[Instagram Update] Ji Chang Wook Instagram Update on 5 October 2014

Source: Official Ji Chang Wook Instagram
Repost from


6:08pm KST

힐러 촬영중!! 반쪽만!!
#힐러 #촬영 #반쪽 #서정후

Filming Healer now!! Only half (of my face)!!
#Healer #Filming #Half #Seo Jung Hu

[Instagram Update] Ji Chang Wook Instagram Update 12 September 2014

Source: Official Ji Chang Wook Instagram
Repost from

“오늘 그날들연습!!! 정학 그녀 무영!!! 바쁜 우리 종혁이형만 없음!!!!ㅠㅠ 돌아와요 오종혁…”
Translation: “Today ‘The Days’ practice!!! Jeong-hak, She, Mu-yeong!!!  Only our busy Jong-hyuk hyung is not here!!!!ㅠㅠ  Come back, Oh Jong Hyuk…”

From left to right (crouching): Kyuhyun and Ji Chang Wook  (back row) Kim Seung Dae, Yoo Joon Sang, Choi Jae Woong, Kim Ji Hyun, Lee Gun Myung, Kang Tae Eul and Shin Da Eun.

[Instagram Update] Ji Chang Wook Instagram Update on 11 September 2014

Poor him... :(

Repost from:


3:56pm KST
아 아파ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 다래끼..으아ㅠ
Ah pain ㅠㅠㅠㅠ stye…aaaahhhㅠ

*Ji Chang Wook has had a stye on his left eye since the week he went to Taiwan for his fan meeting. Today is the first script reading for his new drama ‘Healer’. How is he going to read like that??

[Instagram Update] Ji Chang Wook Instagram Update on 2 September 2014

Dear Ji Chang Wook Fans,

Let me post my first page and it start from Ji Chang Wook Instagram update about Healer... :)
Oya.. He was updated of a cover script for the first episode of Healer... :)



11:13PM KST
설레인다.. 기대해주세요!!
Excited..Please look forward to it!!